SpaceX preparing for ISS

August 15, 2011

Over the last several months, SpaceX has been hard at work preparing for our next flight — a mission designed to demonstrate that a privately-developed space transportation system can deliver cargo to and from the International Space Station (ISS). NASA has given us a Nov. 30, 2011 launch date, which should be followed nine days later by Dragon berthing at the ISS.

NASA has agreed in principle to allow SpaceX to combine all of the tests and demonstration activities that we originally proposed as two separate missions (COTS Demo 2 and COTS Demo 3) into a single mission. Furthermore, SpaceX plans to carry additional payloads aboard the Falcon 9’s second stage which will deploy after Dragon separates and is well on its way to the ISS. NASA will grant formal approval for the combined COTS missions pending resolution of any potential risks associated with these secondary payloads. Our team continues to work closely with NASA to resolve all questions and concerns.

This next mission represents a huge milestone not only for SpaceX, but also for NASA and the US space program. When the astronauts stationed on the ISS open the hatch and enter the Dragon spacecraft for the first time, it will mark the beginning of a new era in space travel.

Through continued private-public partnerships like the one that helped develop the Falcon 9 and Dragon system, commercial companies will transform the way we access space. Together, government and the private sector can simultaneously increase the reliability, safety and frequency of space travel, while greatly reducing the costs.

The update below highlights our recent progress towards the combined C2/C3 mission and missions beyond. From the 1,500 team members here at SpaceX, thank you for your continued support, and for joining us in this exciting, vital adventure.

Photo: Kyle Cothern / SpaceX

This week, we successfully completed a wet dress rehearsal (WDR) for the Falcon 9 Flight 3 launch vehicle at Space Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral, Florida. The WDR is a significant test during which we load propellant into the vehicle and perform all operations just as we would on launch day right down to T-1 seconds, at which point we abort and detank the propellant.

Since our last flight, we have made significant upgrades to the launch pad to streamline the countdown. For example, we installed new liquid oxygen (LOX) pumps that reduced our previous loading time from 90 minutes to under 30. Improvements like this are getting us closer to our long term goal of Falcon 9 going from hangar to liftoff in under an hour. This is no easy task for a vehicle with about the same takeoff weight as a fully loaded Boeing 747, but if a 747 can do it reliably day after day, then Falcon 9 can too.

Photo: Roger Gilbertson / SpaceX

In a SpaceX clean room in Hawthorne (Los Angeles) California, technicians prepare the Dragon spacecraft for thermal vacuum chamber testing. The open bays will hold the parachutes. NASA has given us a launch date of Nov 30, 2011 for Falcon 9 Flight 3, which will send a Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of NASA’s Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program.

Photo: SpaceX

Also in Hawthorne, we have conducted separation tests of the Dragon trunk from the Falcon 9 second stage. Release mechanisms hold the trunk (top, with solar panel covers on left and right sides) to the stage (bottom). When activated, springs on the Falcon 9 push against the Dragon trunk. The trunk separates and the test fixture’s counterbalance system raises the spacecraft up and away.

Photo: SpaceX

In the Hawthorne factory high bay, we tested the Dragon solar array rotary actuator by hanging the full array from the ceiling. The actuator (top center) turns the entire array. In flight, the solar panels will track the sun for maximum energy capture.

Upper Left: First stage tank, with domes and barrels for the second stage. Upper Right: All nine Merlin engines have been individually tested in Texas and then returned to California for integration into the thrust assembly. Lower Left: Composite interstage structure that joins the stages. Lower Right: The pressure vessel for the CRS-1 Dragon spacecraft has 10 cubic meters (350 cu ft) of interior volume. Photos: Roger Gilbertson / SpaceX

We are well into production with all parts (shown above) for the following launch, Falcon 9 Flight 4 and its Dragon CRS-1 spacecraft, which should be the first commercial cargo resupply mission under NASA Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program. Significant additional tooling and automation with be added to the factory, as we build towards the capability of producing a Falcon 9 first stage or Falcon Heavy side booster every week and an upper stage every two weeks. Depending on demand, Dragon production is planned for a rate of one every six to eight weeks.

Photos: Melissa Heilman / SpaceX

Demolition work continues at Space Launch Complex 4 East, our new launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the central coast of California. Recently, the crew dropped the big “hammerhead” overhanging structure from the legacy Titan IV Mobile Service Tower (sequence above). Removing the tower is a major step in upgrading the pad for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches. We are targeting late 2012 to bring Falcon Heavy to Vandenberg for vehicle to pad integration tests and 2013 for liftoff. Falcon Heavy will be the most powerful rocket in the world.

Stay tuned for more updates on the combined COTS-2 and COTS-3 mission to the ISS, slated for launch on Nov 30, 2011.

April 28, 2011

On April 18,2011, NASA awarded SpaceX $75 million to develop a revolutionary launch escape system that will enable the company’s Dragon spacecraft to carry astronauts. View video of our plans for the new launch escape system and our commercial crew press kit below:

Video: SpaceX | Developing a Launch Escape System

Press Kit: SpaceX | The Next Great American Adventure

January 17th, 2011

December 8th 2010 marked an incredible accomplishment for SpaceX. As most of you know, we became the first commercial company to successfully recover a spacecraft from Earth orbit. This is a feat previously only accomplished by six other nations/government agencies, and was made possible only through our ongoing partnership with NASA.

While the flight was a significant technical achievement for SpaceX as a company, it was probably most significant for the American taxpayer. The United States has an urgent, critical need for commercial human spaceflight. After the Space Shuttle retires next year, NASA will be totally dependent on the Russian Soyuz to carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station for a price of over $50 million per seat.

The December 8 COTS Demo 1 flight demonstrated SpaceX is prepared to meet this need—and at less than half the cost.

We believe the now flight-proven Falcon 9 and Dragon architecture is the safest path to crew transportation capability. Both vehicles were designed from the beginning to transport astronauts. The cargo version of the Dragon spacecraft will be capable of carrying crew with only three key modifications: a launch abort system, environmental controls and seats.

In addition to last month’s successful demonstration, SpaceX recently took another critical next step towards the development of an American alternative to the Russian Soyuz. On December 13th, we submitted our proposal to NASA’s Commercial Crew Development Program (CCDev2) to begin work on preparing Dragon to carry astronauts. The primary focus of our CCDev2 proposal is the launch abort system. Using our experience with NASA’s COTS office as a guide, we have proposed implementing the crew-related elements of Dragon’s design with specific hardware milestones, which will provide NASA with regular, demonstrated progress including:

  • initial design of abort engine and crew accommodations;
  • static fire testing of the launch abort system engines; and
  • prototype evaluations by NASA crew for seats, control panels and cabin

SpaceX has proposed an integrated launch abort system design, which has several advantages over the tractor tower approaches
used by all prior vehicles:

  • Provides escape capability all the way to orbit versus a tractor system, which is so heavy it must be dumped about four minutes after liftoff.
  • Improves crew safety, as it does not require a separation event, whereas any non-integral system (tractor or pusher), must be dumped on every mission for the astronauts to survive.
  • Reduces cost since the escape system returns with the spacecraft.
  • Enables superior landing capabilities since the escape engines can potentially be used for a precise land landing of Dragon under rocket power. (An emergency chute will always be retained as a backup system for maximum safety.)

Click here to view the video.

While the maximum reliability is designed into our vehicles, there is no substitute for recent, relevant flight experience when it comes to demonstrating flight safety. The Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to fly at least 11 more times and the Falcon 9 launch vehicle is scheduled to fly 17 times before the first Dragon crew flight. Given the extensive manifest of Falcon 9 and Dragon, the SpaceX system will mature before most other systems will be developed.

The inaugural flight of the Dragon spacecraft confirmed what we have always believed—the responsiveness and ingenuity of the private sector, combined with the guidance, support and insight of the US government, can deliver an American spaceflight program that is achievable, sustainable and affordable. The SpaceX team is excited about the new opportunities and challenges the New Year will bring. Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to helping build America’s future space program.

Illustration of Dragon spacecraft in orbit.

Photo of actual Dragon spacecraft after its first successful orbital flight.

December 15, 2010

On December 8, SpaceX became the first commercial company in history to re-enter a spacecraft from Earth orbit. SpaceX launched its Dragon spacecraft into orbit atop a Falcon 9 rocket at 10:43 AM EST from Launch Complex 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Dragon spacecraft orbited the Earth at speeds greater than 7,600 meters per second (17,000 miles per hour), reentered the Earth’s atmosphere, and landed just after 2:00 PM EST less than one mile from the center of the targeted landing zone in the Pacific Ocean.

The Dragon spacecraft landed in the Pacific Ocean 3 hours, 19 minutes and 52 seconds after liftoff—less than a minute
after SpaceX had predicted and less than one mile from the center of the landing target.

Click here to view the mission highlights video.

This marks the first time a commercial company has successfully recovered a spacecraft reentering from Earth orbit. It is a feat previously performed by only six nations or government agencies: the United States, Russia, China, Japan, India, and the European Space Agency.

As the very first flight under the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program, COTS Demo 1 followed a nominal flight profile that included a roughly 9.5-minute ascent, two Earth-orbits, reentry and splashdown. Falcon 9 delivered Dragon to orbit with an inclination of 34.53 degrees—a near bull’s-eye insertion.

Image above illustrates COTS Demo 1 mission orbital path. The yellow triangle over the Atlantic ocean marks Dragon’s initial
separation from Falcon 9, and the yellow square off the Western coast of the United States marks the location where Dragon landed.

Dragon’s first-ever on-orbit performance was 100% successful in meeting test objectives including maintaining attitude, thermal control, and communication activities. While in orbit, eight free-flying payloads were successfully deployed, including a U.S. Army nanosatellite—the first Army-built satellite to fly in 50 years.

The Falcon 9 launch vehicle carrying the Dragon spacecraft, climbing from the launch pad.

Liftoff marked the second flight of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, which performed nominally during ascent. Nine Merlin engines, which generate one million pounds of thrust in vacuum, powered the first phase of flight. The rocket reached maximum dynamic pressure (the point at which aerodynamic stress on a spacecraft in atmospheric flight is maximized, also known as Max Q) approximately 1.5 minutes after launch. The first stage separation occurred a little over three minutes into flight. The single Merlin Vacuum engine of Falcon 9’s second stage then ignited to continue carrying the vehicle towards its targeted orbit.

After stage separation, flames are barely visible around nozzle as the second stage
engine ignites and the first stage falls back to the Earth below.

After stage separation, the nose cap at the front of the Dragon spacecraft safely jettisoned. The second stage fired for another four and a half minutes, until it achieved orbital velocity, and then the Dragon spacecraft separated from the second stage to begin its independent flight.

High contrast view of the Dragon spacecraft (circle at center) viewed from the top of the second stage as it departs over the curved
horizon of the Earth. The rectangles indicate locations of three of the nano satellite deploying P-PODs carried on this mission.

After separation of the Dragon spacecraft, the second stage Merlin engine restarted, carrying the second stage to an altitude of 11,000 km (6,800 mi). While restart of the second stage engine was not a requirement for this mission (or any future missions to the ISS), it is important for future Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) missions where customer payloads need to be positioned at a high altitude.

Shortly after separating from the second stage, the expected loss of signal occurred as the Dragon spacecraft passed over the horizon as viewed from the launch site. We reacquired Dragon’s video signal as expected as it passed over Hawaii, delivering the first ever video sent from Dragon on orbit.

View from the side window of the Dragon spacecraft as it climbs into orbit.

Click here to view the video.

Draco thrusters, each capable of producing about 90 pounds of thrust, began the six minute deorbit burn at T+2:32. For this particular mission, we could have lost two entire quads and still returned to Earth with only 8 or 10 engines working, but all thrusters performed nominally during the COTS Demo1 flight.

Illustration showing Draco thrusters firing as the Dragon spacecraft travels around the Earth. Dragon is equipped
with numerous redundant systems to ensure mission success even if primary systems fail.

Dragon’s PICA-X heat shield protected the spacecraft during reentry from temperatures reaching more than 3,000 degrees F. SpaceX worked closely with NASA to develop PICA-X, a SpaceX variant of NASA’s Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) heat shield.

SpaceX chose PICA for its proven ability. In January 2006, NASA’s Stardust sample capsule returned using a PICA heat shield and set the record for the fastest reentry speed of a spacecraft into Earth’s atmosphere — experiencing speeds of 28,900 miles per hour.

NASA made its expertise and specialized facilities available to SpaceX as the company designed, developed and qualified the 3.6 meter PICA-X shield it in less than 4 years at a fraction of the cost NASA had budgeted for the effort. The result is the most advanced heat shield ever to fly. It can potentially be used hundreds of times for Earth orbit reentry with only minor degradation each time — as proven on this flight — and can even withstand the much higher heat of a moon or Mars velocity reentry.

Artist’s rendition of Dragon, thermally protected by SpaceX’s PICA-X advanced heat shield, reentering Earth’s atmosphere.

At about 10,000 feet, Dragon’s three main parachutes, each 116 feet in diameter, deployed to slow the spacecraft’s decent to approximately 16-18 ft/sec, ensuring a comfortable return ride that will be required for manned flights. Oversized parachutes are critical in ensuring a safe landing for crew members. Even if Dragon were to lose one of its main parachutes, the two remaining chutes would still ensure a
safe landing.

Dragon’s three main parachutes fully deployed. Below float two drogue parachutes which
deployed first to slow and stabilize the spacecraft.

The SpaceX crew brought Dragon back to the barge where the crane lifted it from the water.

The Dragon spacecraft, in excellent condition after its 50,000 mile mission,
rests in its cradle for the 500 mile ride back to Los Angeles.

This was the first flight under NASA’s COTS program to develop commercial resupply services to the International Space Station. After the Space Shuttle retires, SpaceX will fly at least 12 missions to carry cargo to and from the International Space Station as part of the Commercial Resupply Services contract for NASA. The Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft were designed to one day carry astronauts; both the COTS and CRS missions will yield valuable flight experience toward this goal.

With recovery of the Dragon spacecraft, SpaceX became the first company in history to successfully re-enter a spacecraft from Earth orbit. SpaceX has only come this far by building upon the incredible achievements of NASA, having NASA as an anchor tenant for launch, and receiving expert advice and mentorship throughout the development process.

SpaceX would like to extend a special thanks to the NASA COTS office for their continued support and guidance throughout this process. The COTS program has demonstrated the power of a true private/public partnership and we look forward to the exciting endeavors our team will accomplish in the future.

For more information on the COTS Demo 1 flight, Click here to view the mission press kit.

December 8, 2010

Lands on Target in the Pacific Ocean, 500 miles Off of the Coast of Southern California

SpaceX/NASA to Hold Post-Mission Press Conference at 3:30 PM EST

Cape Canaveral, FL – Today, SpaceX became the first commercial company in history to re-enter a spacecraft from low-Earth orbit.

SpaceX and NASA will have a post-mission press conference at 3:30 PM EST at the press site at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Participants include:

  • Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO and CTO (via satellite from Mission Control in Hawthorne, CA)
  • Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX President
  • Alan Lindenmoyer, NASA Commercial Crew and Cargo Program Manager

SpaceX launched its Dragon spacecraft into low-Earth orbit atop a Falcon 9 rocket at 10:43 AM EST from Launch Complex 40 at the Air Force Station at Cape Canaveral.

The Dragon spacecraft orbited the Earth at speeds greater than 17,000 miles per hour, reentered the Earth’s atmosphere, and landed in the Pacific Ocean shortly after 2:00 PM EST.

This marks the first time a commercial company has successfully recovered a spacecraft reentering from low-Earth orbit. It is a feat performed by only six nations or government agencies: the United States, Russia, China, Japan, India, and the European Space Agency.

It is also the first flight under NASA’s COTS program to develop commercial supply services to the International Space Station. After the Space Shuttle retires, SpaceX will fly at least 12 missions to carry cargo to and from the International Space Station as part of the Commercial Resupply Services contract for NASA. The Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft were designed to one day carry astronauts; both the COTS and CRS missions will yield valuable flight experience toward this goal.

View the press kit: cots1-201012.pdf

December 6, 2010

SpaceX engineers are analyzing two small cracks in the aft end of the 2nd stage engine nozzle extension. These cracks are in a region near the end of the nozzle extension where there is very little stress and so they would not cause a flight failure by themselves. However, further investigation is warranted to ensure that these cracks are not symptomatic of a more serious problem.

A decision on whether or not to attempt launch on Wednesday will be provided tomorrow evening.

The bell shaped Merlin Vacuum nozzle extension is made of niobium sheet alloy, measures 9 feet tall and 8 feet at the base diameter, and thins out to about twice the thickness of a soda can at the end. Although made of an exotic refractory alloy metal with a melting temperature high enough to boil steel, this component is geometrically the simplest part of the engine.

It is important to note that the niobium nozzle extension increases the efficiency of the Merlin engine in vacuum and is installed by default on all upper stage Merlin engines, but that efficiency increase is not required for this mission. The nozzle extension is most helpful when launching very heavy satellites or to maximize throw mass to distant destinations like Mars. The most likely path forward is that we will trim off the thinnest portion of the nozzle extension, which is where the cracks are located, perform a thorough systems check and resume launch preparation.

December 4, 2010

Full duration static fire! We’ll continue to review data but today’s static fire appears to be a success.

December 3, 2010

SpaceX made its first static fire attempt today and aborted at T-1.1 sec due to high engine chamber pressure. We are currently reviewing the data and will make a second attempt tomorrow.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Since the successful inaugural launch of Falcon 9 in June, we have been busy preparing for our next launch, which includes the first flight of an operational Dragon spacecraft.

This is also the first launch under NASA’s Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program. Under COTS, NASA is partnering with commercial companies like SpaceX to develop and demonstrate space transportation capabilities.

The upcoming demonstration mission will launch from Cape Canaveral and should follow a flight plan nearly identical to the first Falcon 9 launch, but this time the Dragon spacecraft will separate from the second stage and will demonstrate operational communications, navigation, maneuvering and reentry. Although it does not have wings like Shuttle, the Dragon spacecraft is controlled throughout reentry by the onboard Draco thrusters which enable the spacecraft to touchdown at a very precise location – ultimately within a few hundred yards of its target.

While Dragon will initially make water landings, over the long term, Dragon will be landing on land. For this first demo flight, Dragon will make multiple orbits of the Earth as we test all of its systems, and will then fire its thrusters to begin reentry, returning to Earth for a Pacific Ocean splashdown off the coast of Southern California. The entire mission should last around four hours.

As you may have heard, Congress just recently passed the NASA Authorization Act of 2010, setting a new direction for human space exploration. The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to authorize funding for a robust and viable U.S. space program. This is a critical step forward, which will allow America to continue to lead the way in space exploration.

The bill sets NASA on an exciting course to focus on exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, while recognizing the valuable role American companies are ready to undertake in ending our reliance on Russia to carry our astronauts to the International Space Station.

Investing in commercial crew transport will build on NASA’s proud record of innovation and will create competition that will force companies to improve reliability, increase safety, and reduce costs. As we move forward with our first demo flight under the COTS program, we look forward to helping jumpstart America’s space program and secure our leadership position in space.


Falcon 9 Demonstration Flight 2 on the launch pad during the full wet dress rehearsal,
which includes everything up to just before engine ignition. Photo: SpaceX.

On September 15th we completed a successful wet dress rehearsal (WDR) which involved rolling the rocket out to the pad, loading it with propellants, performing a complete launch countdown sequence to just before ignition, and then unloading the propellants and returning the vehicle to a safe state. This latest wet dress rehearsal included new steps and sequences necessary to accommodate the operational Dragon spacecraft.

Prior to the successful WDR, we completed our first integration of a Falcon 9 and an operational Dragon spacecraft. We integrate Falcon 9 and Dragon horizontally in the hangar. This makes payload processing easier, and also eliminates the large expense of building and maintaining a vertical mobile service tower.

The Falcon 9 Demonstration Flight 2 vehicle undergoing final integration in the hangar at Cape Canaveral. Photo: SpaceX.

With integration complete, we transfer the Falcon 9/Dragon vehicle to our mobile transporter erector and roll it out of the hangar to the launch pad on standard railroad tracks. There, we connect the entire system to the launch pad, and rotate it to vertical.

In the coming weeks we will conduct a static test firing, which involves a full countdown leading up to the engines firing as they would for launch, but with the rocket held firmly to the pad. The following update covers some of the major progress in the past months towards this second demonstration flight.

Designed to transport several tons of cargo or a crew of seven astronauts to and from Earth orbit, Dragon is physically smaller than Falcon 9, but represents almost the same scale of technological difficulty.

The Dragon spacecraft is mounted on the breakover fixture in the hangar at Cape Canaveral. Photo: Brian Attiyeh / SpaceX.

Creating Dragon involved solving numerous design challenges, and the results are a serious space vehicle including eighteen high-performance Draco engines, hypergolic fuel systems, complex avionics, power, software, structures, guidance navigation and control systems, radio communications systems, the largest PICA-based heat shield yet to fly, and a dual-redundant deployment system for a trio of recovery parachutes.

In the SpaceX hangar at Cape Canaveral, the Dragon spacecraft prepares for integration with the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Visible at the base of the spacecraft is Dragon’s heat shield, made of PICA-X, the SpaceX manufactured variation on NASA’s Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) heat shield material. Dragon will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere at around 7 kilometers per second (15,660 miles per hour), heating the exterior up to 1850 degrees Celsius. However, just a few inches of the PICA-X material will keep the interior of the spacecraft at a comfortable temperature. Photo: Michael Rooks / SpaceX.

In our Hawthorne Mission Control Center, we have conducted numerous flight simulation tests in preparation for Dragon operations. Depending on the needs of a test, we can conduct live operations with NASA mission control, and even the ISS.

SpaceX’s Mission Control Center located at our headquarters in Hawthorne, California. Photo: SpaceX.

In preparation for Dragon missions arriving at the ISS under NASA’s COTS and Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) programs, we have hosted more than a dozen astronauts from NASA and international partners to date, including Italy, Netherlands, and Japan.

The training sessions work in both directions; we give astronauts hands-on experience with all aspects of Dragon operations, and SpaceX team members receive valuable insights into the fine points of living and working in space, and important feedback to incorporate into our designs and operational planning.

As part of our participation in the COTS program, we outfitted the interior of the second production Dragon spacecraft with lockers, racks and restraints as will be used for transporting cargo deliveries to and from the ISS.

Even when outfitted with the full cargo storage system, Dragon has plenty of room. Visiting NASA astronauts Cady Coleman and Scott Kelly discuss spacecraft cargo operations with SpaceX engineers. Both experienced space travelers, Cady and Scott are scheduled for upcoming missions to the ISS. Photo: SpaceX.

Three experienced ISS astronauts meet in front of the propulsion clean room with SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell. From left, astronauts Don Pettit (USA), Paolo Nespoli (Italy) and Andre Kuipers (Netherlands). Photo: Roger Gilbertson, SpaceX.

Visiting astronauts Akihiko Hoshide from Japan, and NASA astronaut Sunita Williams in front of the full size Dragon model spacecraft. Both have extensive spaceflight experience, and will be stationed aboard the ISS during upcoming Dragon cargo missions. Photo: SpaceX.

We are thrilled to support the USA’s continuing human spaceflight program and the full utilization of the ISS.

Progress continues on the third Falcon 9 vehicle, as well as the next Dragon spacecraft, both of which will fly for NASA in the coming months. We have the first and second stage tanks in process, Merlin engines being completed and test fired, and the Dragon spacecraft under way.

Recently returned from acceptance test firing in Texas, two Merlin engines for Falcon 9 Flight 3 await integration into the first stage thrust structure at far left, while a Merlin destined for Flight 4 nears completion at far right. Photo: SpaceX.

The pressure vessel for the next COTS Dragon spacecraft takes shape in Hawthorne. This arrived as a shipment of flat aluminum stock. We machined the triangular isogrid pattern, curved them into conic sections, and welded them into a vessel. By performing extensive production in-house SpaceX keeps costs low, quality high, and production timing streamlined. Photo: SpaceX.

Our SpaceX team continues to grow, and we passed the 1,100 mark — not including this past summer’s crop of 67 visiting interns. Check out arecent editorial in Aviation Week magazine by Thomas H. Zurbuchen entitled “Aerospace Must Revive Its Spirit” which has some great things to say about the SpaceX team and program.

With more than 40 missions represented on our launch manifest, we have openings for a wide range of positions. We continue to hire the most sought-after and enterprising engineers and production technicians to help make access to space regular, cost-effective and reliable.

If you would like to join our efforts in California, Texas, or Florida, please visit our Careers page.

Come and See Us in Washington DC — October 23-24, 2010

SpaceX will be exhibiting at the national “USA Science and Engineering Festival” this fall. This is looking to be the largest event of its kind ever in the US, and we are planning fun opportunities for space fans of all ages.

If you will be in the DC area during the fourth weekend of October, please stop by our booth #333 on the National Mall, not far from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and see SpaceX close up. For details, click here.

Friday, August 20, 2010

SpaceX recently completed its first Dragon high altitude drop test and it was 100% successful!

The purpose of the test was to validate the Dragon’s parachute deployment systems and recovery operations prior to the first flight of an operational Dragon later this year. The drop occurred on August 12, 2010 about nine miles off the coast from the scenic town of Morro Bay, CA—45 miles north of Vandenberg Air Force Base.

An Erickson S-64F Air-Crane helicopter dropped a test article of the Dragon spacecraft from a distance of 14,000 feet, directly above the center of a 6 mile diameter Pacific Ocean test zone.

Photo credit: Roger Gilbertson/SpaceX

In a carefully timed sequence of events, dual redundant drogue parachutes deployed first to stabilize and slow the spacecraft. Full deployment of the drogues then triggered the release of the main parachutes, with the drogues detaching from the spacecraft, allowing the main parachutes to deploy.

Left photo: The drogue parachutes stabilize and slow the spacecraft. Right photo: Detached drogue parachutes (top) descend after
pulling out the main parachutes, which are shown in the process of deployment. Photo Credit: Roger Gilbertson/SpaceX.

While Dragon will initially be used to transport cargo, the spacecraft was designed to transport crew. The parachute system validated during the drop test is the same system that would be used on a crew-carrying Dragon.

The three main parachutes, designed and manufactured by Airborne Systems, are particularly large—each measuring 116 feet in diameter when fully deployed. The oversized parachutes are key in ensuring a comfortable landing for crew members. After the drogues stabilize the spacecraft, the main parachutes further slow the spacecraft’s descend to approximately 16-18 ft/sec, which makes for a very soft landing.

Even if Dragon were to lose one of its main parachutes, the two remaining chutes would still ensure a pretty soft landing for the crew. Under nominal conditions, astronauts would experience no more than roughly 2-3 g’s during this type of descent—less than you’d experience at an amusement park.

Fully deployed, the three main parachutes gently bring the Dragon spacecraft down for a water splashdown. Photo Credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX.

Two released drogue parachutes also visible as the Dragon spacecraft continues its descent. Photo Credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX.

While the test article landed well within the targeted zone, the landing of an operational Dragon will be even more precise. With an operational Dragon, the landing location is controlled by firing the Draco thrusters during reentry, ensuring Dragon splashes down less than a mile from the desired landing site. Even that dispersion is only due to wind drift while Dragon is under the parachutes—if winds are low, Dragon’s landing accuracy will be to within a few hundred feet.

For initial crewed flights, Dragon will be recovered by helicopter and airlifted to shore. Our long term goal, however, is to land Dragon on land. Once we have proven our ability to control reentry accurately, we intend to add deployable landing gear and leverage the thrusters in order to land on land in the future.

During this particular drop test operation, Dragon was returned by boat and lifted onto its transport carrier via a bay-side crane as shown in the photographs below.

One of three recovery boats approaches Dragon spacecraft after it has completed its descent. Photo Credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX.

Dragon spacecraft being lifted out the bay and onto its transport carrier for return
to SpaceX’s Hawthorne headquarters.
Photo Credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX.

A drop test is historically a very difficult test to complete successfully, so congratulations to the entire Dragon drop team for achieving 100% success on their first attempt. In addition, SpaceX thanks the numerous individuals who were incredibly helpful in assisting with the execution of this test—a test of this size requires a concerted effort of coordination between numerous parties and we greatly appreciate their help. In particular, SpaceX thanks the Dynegy Morro Bay Power Plant, Erickson Air-Crane, Angel City Air Aerial Photography, Associated Pacific Constructors of Morro Bay, Castagnola Tug Service, Morro Bay Harbor, Fire and Police Departments, US Coast Guard Morro Bay Station, The Federal Aviation Administration, Morro Bay Planning Division, Protech Express Towing, SloDivers, Centurion Private Security, Coast Diving Service, PCF Aviation and Woody Wordsworth at Radio Shack Morro Bay.

SpaceX Team

In a recent editorial for Aviation Week, Thomas H. Zurbuchen, a professor of space science and aerospace engineering, and associate dean of entrepreneurial programs at the University of Michigan, wrote a great piece entitled “Aerospace Must Revive Its Spirit”. The article highlighted the need for entrepreneurship in aerospace, and had great things to say about the SpaceX team and our program:

        “I recently performed an analysis of the very best students in my space engineering programs over the past decade, based on their scholarly, leadership and entrepreneurial performance at Michigan. To my amazement, I found that of my top 10 students, five work at SpaceX. No other company or lab has attracted more than two of these top students.

…A former student told me, “This is a place where I am the limiting factor, not my work environment”. At SpaceX, he considers himself to be in an entrepreneurial environment in which great young people collaborate to do amazing things. He never felt like this in his previous job with an aerospace company.

…Today, the SpaceX parking lots are full at night, not because people are forced to put in extra hours, but just like at the early NASA, SpaceX is working in young teams, on the toughest challenges, and realizing that risk is an important aspect of any entrepreneurial activity. That’s why SpaceX attracts the best of the best to join its team.

…I hope entrepreneurial successes, such as the ones at SpaceX, will start to define a new image for an industry that often believes its most important achievements are in the past. We need to create an entrepreneurial environment to attract top talent and once again
shoot for the stars!”

Read the full article here.

Hiring top talent has always been a number one priority for SpaceX. Our team now numbers over 1,200 and we continue to seek out the most sought-after and enterprising engineers and production technicians in the industry. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our team, please visit our careers webpage at or email us at

Friday, June 18, 2010

Flight sequence for Falcon 9 Flight 1 as it departs from the SpaceX launch pad at Launch Complex 40, Cape Canaveral, Florida on June 4, 2010 with an official liftoff time of 2:45 PM Eastern / 11:45 AM Pacific / 18:45:00 UTC.

Unless otherwise noted, all image credits: SpaceX.

View from the second stage’s aft-facing camera, at T minus 10 seconds, looking down the length of the Falcon 9 rocket,
about 37 meters (120 feet) above the launch pad and main engines. The quick connect panel at left provides propellant,
power and communications to the second stage of the vehicle, and disconnects at liftoff. The code at lower left is UTC time.

At one second prior to liftoff, the nine Merlin 1C main engines reach full power, just before the launch
mount releases the vehicle for flight.

As it departs from the launch pad, the rising Falcon 9 passes the clamps located at the top of the transporter/erector structure.

Pieces of frost fall from the cryogenic liquid oxygen tanks, and look like fireworks when illuminated by the engines’ light.
Small white cylinders to left and right are the tops of two of the four lightning towers that surround and protect the launch pad.

The circular ring road that surrounds the launch site recedes as the rocket climbs.

A condensation shock front surrounds the vehicle as it climbs above a thin deck clouds. Insert has view from the ground
showing the full body condensation wave. Insert image credit: Ben Cooper, /

Passing the point of Maximum Dynamic Pressure (MaxQ). From this time onwards, the combination of decreasing atmospheric
pressure and increasing velocity will apply less and less force to the vehicle.

The exhaust plume darkens due to decreasing oxygen at this altitude, and expands due to the decreasing atmospheric pressure.

The exhaust plume reaches its maximum size just before first stage shutdown.

After first stage shutdown, the vehicle coasts for a moment before initiating stage separation.

Stage separation begins with the pneumatic pushers pushing the first stage away.

Stage separation exposes the nozzle extension of the second stage Merlin Vacuum engine.

Ignition of the second stage Merlin Vacuum engine.

The Merlin Vacuum fires without visible flame as we cross into the defined edge of space.

As the nozzle extension warms, it softens the adhesive that secures the four segments of the nozzle stiffening ring.
They release and fall away, similar to the event on SpaceX’s Falcon 1.

The vehicle remains on the designated flight path and continues climbing towards orbit.

Continuing to climb, the coast of Florida lies below the clouds at upper right.

Reaching orbital altitude and speed. The gold colored plate at left is the interior portion of the quick disconnect panel.

Upon Second stage Engine Cut Off (SECO), the Falcon 9 and Dragon spacecraft qualification unit reach low earth orbit!
The vehicle sent this final image just moments before loss-of-signal as it passes over the horizon as viewed from the launch site.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today, SpaceX’s first Falcon 9 has successfully achieved Earth orbit. This has been a great day for SpaceX and a promising step forward for the US space program, as we make progress towards expanding the human presence in space.

Click here to watch video of the first successful flight of Falcon 9

SpaceX extends special thanks to all of our long-time supporters, all our NASA, Government, and Commercial customers, and the United States Air Force and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for their excellent, ongoing support.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SpaceX is now targeting Friday, June 4th for its first test launch attempt of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle.

The primary schedule driver for the first Falcon 9 test launch has been certification of the flight termination system (FTS). The FTS ensures that Air Force Range safety officials can command the destruction of the vehicle should it stray from its designated flight path.

The successful liftoff of the recent GPS satellite launch last Thursday freed up the necessary range resources to process our final documentation, and we are now looking good for final approval of the FTS by this Friday, June 4th, just in time for our first launch attempt.

Today we completed end to end testing of the Falcon 9 as required by the Air Force Range and everything was nominal. Later this evening, we will finish final system connections for the FTS. Tomorrow we plan to rollout in the morning, and erect the vehicle in the afternoon. On Friday, the targeted schedule is as follows:

Friday 4 June 2010

Launch Window Opens: 11:00 AM Eastern / 8:00 AM Pacific / 1500 UTC
Launch window lasts 4 hours. SpaceX has also reserved a second launch day on Saturday 5 June, with the same hours.

As always, weather will play a significant role in our overall launch schedule. The weather experts at the Cape are giving us a 40% chance of “no go” conditions for both days of our window, citing the potential for cumulus clouds and anvil clouds from thunderstorms.

If the weather cooperates, SpaceX will provide a live webcast of the launch events, presently scheduled to begin 20 minutes prior to the opening of the launch window. Click here to visit our webcast page which will also be accessible from our home page the day of launch.

It’s important to note that since this is a test launch, our primary goal is to collect as much data as possible, with success being measured as a percentage of how many flight milestones we are able to complete in this first attempt. It would be a great day if we reach orbital velocity, but still a good day if the first stage functions correctly, even if the second stage malfunctions. It would be a bad day if something happens on the launch pad itself and we’re not able to gain any flight data.

If we have a bad day, it will be disappointing, but one launch does not make or break SpaceX as a company, nor commercial spaceflight as an industry. The Atlas rocket only succeeded on its 13th flight, and today it is the most reliable vehicle in the American fleet, with a record better than Shuttle.

Regardless of the outcome, this first launch attempt represents a key milestone for both SpaceX and the commercial spaceflight industry. Keep in mind the launch dates and times are still subject to change, so please check the webcast page above for updates to this schedule. We appreciate your ongoing support and we hope you will tune in on launch day.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

As we continue to progress towards the first Falcon 9 launch from Cape Canaveral, certification of the flight termination system (FTS) and subsequent range availability remain the two primary schedule drivers.

Air Force Range safety requires the FTS system, which allows them to safely end the launch should the vehicle stray from its designated flight corridor. The system consists of a command receiver and an ordnance system designed to split the vehicle’s fuel and liquid oxygen tanks in the event of an errant flight.

Static test firing of the Falcon 9 first stage, conducted at SpaceX’s launch site, Cape Canaveral, Florida on March 13, 2010.
Credit: SpaceX / Chris Thompson.

SpaceX is working closely with Ensign Bickford to complete testing of the explosive elements of the FTS system, but there are other components, such as the FTS radios, antennas and the transponder that come from other suppliers as well. All of these components must be qualified specifically for our flight environments, so unfortunately, it is not simply a case of buying “off the shelf”.

FTS testing is an iterative process where the number of remaining tests depends on the results of previous tests, making it very difficult to predict a completion date. Once testing is complete, final data is submitted to SpaceX and Air Force Range safety officials for review and acceptance. Much of the range calendar for May is already reserved for other activities, so range availability will be a key factor in identifying a launch date. Fortunately the FTS is the last remaining significant milestone–the vehicle is otherwise ready for flight, so once we complete certification, we will be “all systems go” for launch.

During our successful wet dress rehearsal (WDR) in late February, we experienced some problems with the thermal protective cork layer that covers the first stage. In some areas subjected to the extreme cold of liquid oxygen (LOX), the cork’s bonding adhesive failed and several panels separated from the vehicle. It is important to emphasize that the cork is not needed for ascent and there is no risk to flight even if it all came off. This is for thermal protection on reentry to allow for the possibility of recovery and reuse. While stage recovery is not a primary mission objective on this inaugural launch, it is part of our long-term plans, and we will attempt to recover the first stage on this initial Falcon 9 flight.

After applying a new layer of cork thermal protection using a new adhesive system, we opted to perform a second wet dress rehearsal, as well as an electromagnetic interference (EMI) test. Everything performed well and the new adhesive remained properly bonded. A word of thanks to NASA and our resin supplier for helping our structures team find these effective solutions.

As we ramp up our flight rate, Florida will continue to be SpaceX’s fastest growing region. We are entering continuous launch operations mode, meaning we will have over 100 people in Florida on average. That count may go as high as 200 later this year when we start preparing and launching Dragon. We expect our direct employment at the Cape to eventually reach thousands of people; using standard multipliers for indirect regional employment, this could mean in excess of several thousand jobs long term.

President Obama honored us with a visit to the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch site at Cape Canaveral on April 15, 2010, just prior to his national speech at Kennedy Space Center describing the administration’s new space initiatives.

President Barack Obama and SpaceX CEO and CTO Elon Musk at the SpaceX Falcon 9
launch pad, Cape Canaveral, Florida on April 15, 2010. SpaceX’s Leslie Woods Jr. and
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden in background. Credit: Associated Press.

Credit: Associated Press.

Meeting the President at the Falcon 9 launch site, from left: Neil G. Hicks, Florence Li, Brian Mosdell,
President Obama, Leslie Woods Jr., and Elon Musk. Credit: Getty Images.

Several members of our SpaceX team were able to meet the President during his tour of the Falcon 9 launch pad including:

Neil G. Hicks, SpaceX Lead Fluid System Engineer

Neil received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida and is a Florida Licensed Professional Engineer with 31 years experience. Neil spent 17 years as a NASA shuttle technician on the main engines, 13 years as a launch propulsion engineer involved in design and development of the Delta IV RS-68 rocket engine, and a year designing the Ares I launch pad pneumatic system for NASA. In the two and a half years since joining SpaceX, Neil has lead the team designing, building, and activating the launch pad fluid systems for Falcon 9.

Florence Li, SpaceX Structures Manager

Florence received her BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Delaware, and her MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University. Florence has been with SpaceX almost seven years. She started with structural analysis, testing and launch integration on the first four Falcon 1 rocket launch campaigns, and currently works on Falcon 9 vehicle integration at Cape Canaveral.

Brian Mosdell, SpaceX Director, Florida Launch Operations

Brian received his BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and brings over 20 years of launch operations experience, including work on the Titan, Delta, and Atlas programs. Brian was the Chief Launch Conductor for ULA prior to joining SpaceX two years ago.

Leslie Woods Jr., SpaceX Compensation and Human Resources Information Systems Manager

Leslie received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and has been with SpaceX for nearly five years. His diverse background in engineering, technical sales and recruiting has helped lead SpaceX’s growth from 200 employees in 2006 to nearly 1,000 in 2010.

The President impressed us all with his level of understanding, and the nature of his questions. He clearly perceives both the challenges we face, as well as the opportunities for these new initiatives to become powerful economic engines.

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